The Rapture
A Christian car bumper sticker states: WARNING THE DRIVER OF THIS VEHICLE COULD DISAPPEAR AT ANY MOMENT What instantaneous chaos and tribulation would immediately occur if this happened a million-fold-worldwide? "Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they did not know the time of his first] visitation. "The Jewish people looked forward earnestly to their Messiah's coming; they had read dozens of prophetic verses concerning this crucial prophetic event, yet many-no, most-missed it when it happened. Jesus and his disciples spoke several dozen Scriptures concerning His next visitation, but how many do we know? Everyone needs to explore and embrace Christ's words, admonitions, and warnings-and prepare for the Rapture. These Scriptures are now presented in a uniquely organized, comprehensive, and enlightening way that only an award-winning teacher can do. An outstanding feature is that it emphasizes every one of the many qualities or characteristics of those who will be "taken" or "caught up" in the Rapture. While greatly expanding our understanding, this book will challenge normal thinking on this topic, and it certainly will illuminate this event in the heart of every reader. There are many precious nuggets and gems for everyone to contemplate and reflect on. It is a must read for every Christian and skeptic alike, since this event lies imminently in our future. And wait You'll have to read this powerful book to see how and why the "love story" aspect is woven into the essence of this event called the Rapture.